Will Aknicareยฎ work?
It works in over 80% of those who use it and works for the long term. It gets rid of existing spots, blackheads and oil and it stops new spots from appearing, best of all it's proven.
Can Aknicareยฎ be used as your main acne treatment?
Yes. The key ingredients change the skin to directly target the 4 stages of acne: seborrhoea (oil), hyperkeratinization (skin thickening and hardening leading to blackheads and whiteheads), bacterial infection and inflammation of spots.
Can Aknicareยฎ be used with other acne treatments?
Yes, with both antibiotics, benzoyl peroxide and retinoic acid derivative such as Adapalene. No incompatibilities have been reported. Aknicareยฎ should be applied first before other creams.
How long does it take for Aknicareยฎ to work?ย
Aknicareยฎ can start to reduce inflammation and spots in hours. However to get long term spot-free skin the sets are designed to last for two months to try and change the skin environment so new spots donโt develop. As acne is a hormonally driven problem, then until the hormonal balance is restored then even when you have the clear skin you may need to use a maintenance set of Aknicareยฎ containing Gentle cleansing gel or Cleanser, Cream, and skin roller.
Can I get Aknicareยฎ from the doctors?ย
Aknicareยฎ Lotion, Cream, and Skin Roller are available on GP prescription, but you need to persuade the doctor as they prescribe based on restrictive formularies. We are trying to get Aknicareยฎ added to these prescribing lists, but if the doctor types Aknicareยฎ into his prescribing computer the products will appear. We can produce a short information letter for you to show the doctor or they can email us at clinical@skinmed.co.uk.
Are there any side effects with Aknicareยฎ?ย
Some initial drying of the skin can happen as Aknicareยฎ slows down oil production by up to 68% and this happens quicker often than the skin can restore its lipid content (which is lost due to hormonal sensitivity), so it is important to use Aknicareยฎ Cream and sometimes maybe add a moisturizer such as Hydratime. Some of the Aknicareยฎ products contain a small amount of salicylic acid and therefore those allergic to aspirin should not use them.
Can I use Aknicareยฎ while pregnant and breastfeeding?ย
We have no data to support usage or not, and so it is not recommended. Salicylic containing products are not recommended in pregnancy.
Who is Aknicareยฎ designed for?ย
Aknicareยฎ is designed for all. It works better than cheap products and is actually very cost-effective. It works for teenage acne, occasional spots, adult or late-onset acne. As we are not a massive company many people find us after they have failed on other treatments.
How long will the products last?ย
On average we get repeat purchases every 10 weeks.
I donโt have acne, just oily skin. Can you help?
Yes, Aknicareยฎ slows oil production by on average 53% and up to 68% in clinical studies. Also, those with oily skin might consider ceramide boosting to help with this. See Oily Skin in the skin conditions menu
I donโt have acne just spots and/or pimples, will Aknicareยฎ work?ย
One personโs acne is another personโs spots and pimples. The cause is the same and so Aknicareยฎ works on these as well. If you only have a few spots then Aknicareยฎ cleansing gel and an Aknicareยฎ skin roller may be enough to sort them out.
Has it been tested on animals and does it contain Parabens?ย
None of the products have been tested by us or the manufacturer on animals. This is important to us and the research company behind the products. No parabens of any sort are used as a preservative in Aknicareยฎ or any of the companyโs products.