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Regular price $14.59 USD
Sale price $14.59 USD
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Disclaimer: Results may vary from user to user*

The Aknicare Skin Roller contains active oil reducers, anti-inflammatories, and anti-bacterial ingredients, to provide fast relief for reducing existing spots. It also reduces inflammation in two ways and reduces bacterial levels without breeding super-bugs such as MRSA.

The rapid-acting Aknicare Skin Roller is a Fast Pain Reducer.

Get the Aknicare Skin Roller in the Aknicare Acne Solution set for long-lasting guaranteed results

  • See fewer and fewer spots every day
  • Inflammation and redness calmed quickly
  • Acne causing bacteria is killed faster than with Antibiotics
  • Clear, blemish-free, fresh, bright skin
  • Reduced oil by over 50% in clinical studies
  • Clinically proven over 80% success rates

Aknicare® Skin Roller is a medical device for zapping spots and is highly effective and fast-acting.

Click here for further details on our money-back guarantee.

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More Info

Are SkinMeds Products Tested on Animals
SkinMed feels very strongly against animal testing, no animals have been or ever will be tested on or harmed in the creation and development of SkinMeds skin solutions.

Do SkinMeds products contain parabens or harmful ingredients?
No, absolutely not. SkinMeds products are safe to use for all skin types and will not harm your health or your skin - there are no associated side effects with these products.

Will Acne TripleLock® work?
It works in over 80% of those who use it, and works for the long term. It gets rid of existing spots, blackheads and oil and it stops new spots from appearing, best of all its proven.

Can the Acne TripleLock® be used as your main acne treatment?
It certainly can, the key ingredients change the skin to directly target the 4 stages of acne: seborrhoea (oil), hyper-keratinization (skin thickening and hardening leading to blackheads and whiteheads), bacterial infection and inflammation of spots.

Can the Acne TripleLock® be used with other acne treatments?
Yes, with both antibiotics, benzoyl peroxide and retinoic acid derivative such as Adapalene. No incompatibilities have been reported. Aknicare® should be applied first before other creams.

How long does it take for Acne TripleLock® to work?
Acne TripleLock® can start to reduce inflammation and spots in hours. However to get long term spot free skin the sets are designed to last for two months change the skin environment so new spots don’t develop.

Can I use Acne TripleLock® while pregnant and breastfeeding? 
We have no data to support usage or not, and so it is not recommended. Salicylic containing products are not recommended in pregnancy. Click ingredients tab to view product ingredients.

Success Stories

I started using AkniCare products in March 2013 after trying every other product that was on the market & had spent lots of money. Nothing seemed to be working.

I use the Treatment Lotion directly on the acne areas, followed with the Aknicare cream. My skin has made major improvement. My face was, what they call 'Angry' I had dark marks all over from squeezing them, It was very embarrassing for me as I'm a woman in my 30's I thought that my acne outbreak days were over. To also help with the way my skin looks I have cut out certain foods within my diet this defiantly helps.

This summer I purchased the Aknicare Cleansing Gel, to wash my face & I must say, it makes my skin feel very clean.

Regards, Ms C Ayre*

Medical Proof

To read more of the science behind Acne TripleLock®, click here. Need help finding your perfect set? Contact us.

Also, see the recent clinical studies comparing Aknicare to a popular pharmaceutical treatment by clicking here. These studies have just been completed. The key measurements were which product reduced closed comedones, open comedones (both types of blackheads), inflamed lesions (inflamed spots), and pustules (raised infected spots). The results showed that Aknicare worked significantly better on pustules, inflamed lesions, and closed comedones.

If you would like to read Professor Tony Chu’s Study in its entirety then click here.

Professor Chu is the best-known consultant dermatologist in the UK and recognized around the world. He lectures Imperial College London, practices at Hammersmith Hospital and is the President of the UK Acne and Rosacea Charity and also specializes in acne scarring.


Aknicare® Skin Roller


The Aknicare Treatment Solution Set should be used twice a day every day for at least 8 weeks. If you are not happy with the products after 8 weeks then to receive a full refund you must send the used products back to SkinMed at your own cost and enclose your request in writing. Once received an adviser will contact you to confirm receipt of the products and refund.

Click here for further details of our money back guarantee.