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Disclaimer: Results may vary from user to user*

Thiospotยฎ Intensive Cream is an effective emulsion specially formulated for lightening dark skin pigmentation spots. Its quadruple ingredient formula works by altering the formation of melanin in multiple but synergistic ways and is as effective as 4% hydroquinone but without the associated health concerns.

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How To Use


Thiospotยฎ Intensive: For extensive dark areas, apply a small amount to the selected area and massage into the skin in the morning and in the evening. Cleanse and tone before applying. Moisturising cleansers may act as a barrier to absorption. Thiospotยฎ is compatible with make-up. 30/60 day treatment.

Please allow 4 to 8 weeks for Thiospotโ€™s ingredients to be built up in the skin so to reach a level where results may start to show. Continue use until new lighter skin cells replace old, darker cells. This allows the lighter skin cells enough time to reach the skinโ€™s surface as the darker cells are shed away. Results improve with continued use. Once skin is normalised, slowly withdraw the product.

Can Thiospotยฎ be used as your main pigmentation treatment?

Yes. The key ingredients change the skin to directly target the key melanin (pigment) making process but without damaging long term the skins ability to make pigment. One should be wary of other products containing hydroquinone and hydroquinone releasing ingredients such as bearberry and arbutin containing creams.

Can Thiospotยฎ be used with other pigmentation treatments?

We have found adding in other things like mild exfoliating cleansers and ascorbic acid (vitamin C) containing products can improve results further. Lastly for resistant pigmentation, we use clinic treatments for difficult situations.

What is the real innovation of the pigmentation therapy with the Thiospotยฎ products?

Thiospotยฎ utilises 4 ingredients synergistically. Each ingredient can work on its own to reduce pigment production and each works on a different stage of the pigment manufacturing process. The 4 ingredients together combine to give a result as good as a 4% hydroquinone cream but without the associated risks being reported with hydroquinone cream related to cancer. Also one of the ingredients also increases skin cell turnover to remove skin cells with too much pigment in to speed up results.

Can one buy individual packs of Thiospotยฎ?

Yes. However - Thiospotยฎ Cream is for large pigmented areas like the forehead or cheek area and for conditions such as mask of pregnancy. Smaller marks can be treated effectively with the Thiospotยฎ Skin Roller. If there are lots of small marks, consider the cream. Thiospotยฎ normalises pigment production, it does not whiten skin. Combining the skin roller and applying to the slower reacting areas and then applying the cream can work synergistically and increase the results.

How long does it take for Thiospotยฎ to work?

Thiospot can start to reduce pigmentation around 4 weeks but may take 6 to 10 weeks.

Can I use Thiospotยฎ alongside other pigmentation treatments?

Yes, but be aware of skin exfoliating products and combining them which can make the area sore.

Are there any side effects with Thiospotยฎ?

Side effects are very rare. Some people may be sensitive to any ingredient so we always recommend patch testing for 48 hours. We rarely have a problem and if you do we will refund your money.

Can I use Thiospotยฎ while pregnant and breastfeeding?

We have no data to support usage or not, and so it is not recommended.

From what age can I use Thiospotยฎ?

We have studies where usage has been from 12 years old. We have no data on any younger ages.

Who is Thiospotยฎ designed for? (e.g. males, females, teenagers,)

Thiospotยฎ is designed for pigmentation types whether it is sun damage, sun spots, age spots, melasma, or pregnancy mask. However different pigmentations can have different features and causes and one may need to vary their treatment programme.

How long will the products last?

In average we get repeat purchases every 8 weeks.

Will Thiospotยฎ work?

It works in over 75% of those who use it, and works for the long term. 25% get complete resolution and can stop using once the pigmentation has gone. 25% it will reduce almost completely and one can stop usage and it will remain almost clear (clear so no-one else would notice) and in 25% of people it reduces it effectively but if one stops using Thiospot it will come back and so a maintenance dose is needed to keep the area clear.

Has it been tested on animals?

None of the products have been tested by us or the manufacturer on animals. This is important to us and the research company behind the products.

Does Thiospotยฎ contain Parabens?

No parabens of any sort are used as a preservative in Thiospotยฎ or any of the companyโ€™s products.

Is Thiospotยฎ safe to use in the sun?

Thiospotยฎ is safe to use in the sun. Ensure that the Thiospotยฎ is completely absorbed. Once fully absorbed, it is essential to apply a high factor sunscreen, such as Sunwardsยฎ.

Success Stories

I just wanted to say - I've been using your Thiospot Skin Roller religiously for the last month or so (on a smallish brown spot on my face that I've had for about 8 years) and it's working! (The only product that ever has). This could revolutionize my life (and my boyfriend's) as no longer will I be saying 'Can you see my brown spot' every time I leave the house!


I just wanted to tell you how brilliant thiospot is, after spending a lot of money on products claiming to fad pigment problems and not working I was getting very upset that it would be with me for life, and putting a lot amount of makeup on and making it look worse, I looked on the internet and came across thiospot cream I've only been using 5/6 weeks but the difference is huge even my husband can see it fading so am very very very happy. I have ordered some more and I am more than happy to have to apply this product every day to keep it away. Thank you.

Suzanne from East Lothian*

I am writing to let you know how wonderful I have found this product Thiospot. I started using the cream about a year ago, on some very noticeable sun spots on my face. Even under heavy foundation cover they were noticeable. I found out about this product by pure chance by the use of the internet. I read some customer reviews and was amazed at how many people had a noticeable result within 8 weeks of using this product, so I thought id give it ago. After 8 weeks the sun spots became not so obvious, and for the more darker spots, I used the Thiospot roller, which again had a very positive result after a few weeks use. I am also very impressed by the fact a consultant telephoned me at home to enquire how I was "getting on" with the products I had purchased. They were incredibly helpful and gave me some very useful tips on how to get the most out of the cream/roller, and to check if I had plenty of the product left. I would not hesitate to recommend this wonderful product to any customers. It has certainly made my life a lot easier and now I am not so self-conscious about how the way I look. Once again thank you

Yours faithfully, D Peek, Devon*

Thank you for your email, I bought thiospot for my Mum as she had sun spots on the back of her hands. She has been applying Thiospot to affected areas twice daily with brilliant results, her sun spot marks have completely gone now, she cant believe how quickly this has worked, she has used other treatments in the past which have not worked, she would recommend Thiospot, it really worked for her.

From, P Dhillon, W Bromwich*

I am on the fifth week of treatment using the Thiospot Skin Roller. To my great delight during the past few days, the three large brown spots on my face are showing definite signs of going lighter. This is the first time I have seen any improvement. I've used two different strengths of "Fade Out" and "Bio Oil" all to no avail. I was considering making enquiries if laser treatment would be helpful, but now I don't need to because imaging what another few weeks of Thiospot will achieve. I have never failed to apply my Skin Roller every morning and evening - peering each day into the mirror to see if I could see any change - and this past week, things are beginning to happen. I also notice I am using less foundation. So can I say thank you for developing this great product, I feel 60 going back to 16 with my new complexion and I haven't finished my treatment yet. Thank you again, I will be recommending Thiospot SR to anyone I see with those awful, ageing brown spots.

Yours faithfully, A Mullarkey, Lancashire*

Medical Proof


Thiospotยฎ Intensive

